Janta Inter College, Palri is feeling extreme pride while it has entered into 55th year since its foundation. School Management consenting with all respected residents of Palri and nearby villages have decided to celebrate its 55th Foundation Day, School Annual Day and also India’s 69th Republic day as a 3 day long Grand Event. Respected Swami ji Sh. Aacharya Dev Vrat Saraswati who is chief of Arya Veer Dal was invited as The chief and The Mentor. Thankfully, he gave us his 3 full days and preached various lessons of improving our lifestyle, gave Yoga sessions to students and all other attendees.
The Event witnessed various esteemed dignitaries and guests who have come and presented their views to the audience, students and faculty for the betterment in education system and improvements in our school. Everyone praised the rapid visible changes and growth of the school which is a result of the hard work of school, faculty, committees and that all under the focused leadership of its current dynamic and visionary Principal Sh. Samar Singh ji.
Many Ex-Students of JIC who are now very much successful in their career, also visited the event and gave blessings, awards, tips to young students.
Event was ended on a very positive note with a pledge from everyone to never look back and to always work for the betterment of our school. Principal Sh. Samar Singh ji concluded with a thanking note to all Guests, Speakers, Participants and all Attendees.
View video highlights of the event here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68AUfTUWm10